NEW: Sign up for non-interactive online streaming (one-day / full conference) and in-person one-day attendance!

For non-interactive online streaming registration and in-person attendance register here:

Non-interactive online streaming registration (for all days / single day) (€35 / €15)

In-person attendance (for all days / single day) (€150 / €75)




Online streaming registration provides a personal non-interactive link to the booked sessions (one-day or full conference).

Registration for oral or poster presentations is now closed.

ICAS-EMME 4 offers a 15% student discount and 13% regular discount to all SAS members. In order to avail discounts, please register for the conference before 15th March 2024.

If you sign up for SAS membership now, we will consider you as a SAS member immediately and you can avail the ICAS-EMME 4 registration discount. 

Early bird registration

31st March

€ 150

Student registration (early bird)

31st March

€ 75

Regular registration

15th April

€ 200

Student registration (Regular)

16th April

€ 100


For Bursary requests: last date to apply for bursaries is 15th April 2024.