Chairs: Evi Margaritis (CyI), Stelios Lekakis (University of Newcastle) and Sam Turner (University of Newcastle)

The reconstruction of past landscapes, subsistence practices and culinary traditions has been the focus of much research using a variety of proxies. Plant (macro- and microbotanical) and animal remains, alongside agricultural installations, have shed light on key archaeological questions which investigate how people were entangled with nature as they produced food from plants and animals, through the investigation of food processing, preparation, cooking techniques and culinary practices.

In this session, we seek papers that focus on the a) the shaping of anthropogenic landscapes, b) how people reacted to crisis and how they achieved food security, and c) culinary practices through time in EMME. In addition, in this session we would like to try to bridge the past with the present: we also seek papers focusing on the making of the (food) landscape and the nature of interactions between human and non-human entities (natural resources, animals, etc.) that left behind a number of tangible and (for recent periods) intangible remains that together constitute rural heritage.