Archaeological Sciences in the EMME is open to all aspects of Archaeological Sciences that are not covered by the thematic sessions. In line with the Cyprus Institute’s OneScience approach, preference will be given for presentations that combine the study of different materials, thus breaking down traditional disciplinary boundaries. This can be the combination of glass and ceramics in glazed pottery, or slag, charcoal and furnace remains in metal production, or organic residues and plant micro-remains in pottery, or, as in the poster image, the study of pigments, their metal sources, and the straw-tempered ceramic in which they were made. We are looking for comparative studies that combine data from different sources to address broader historical or archaeological questions, as well as innovative case studies from regions or materials that are under-represented in the literature. The session on Archaeological Sciences in the EMME for non-thematic papers encourages submissions on the full range of archaeomaterials, dating, and any other fields of archaeological sciences.