Chairs: Efthymia Nikita (CyI) and Demetra Aristotelous (Department of Antiquities)

Human osteoarchaeological research in the EMME has a long tradition. In such a historically and archaeologically rich area, this field of enquiry is uniquely positioned to shed light on key aspects of past living conditions. Human osteoarchaeology can not only elucidate past mobility, diet, health and disease, “stress”, biological kinship and mechanical stress; most importantly, it can do so for every member of past societies, giving voice to traditionally silenced groups, such as women, children or “common people”.  This session wants to highlight human osteoarchaeological research in the EMME from prehistory to the 18th century CE. We are particularly interested in multidisciplinary studies and/or meta-analyses that explore larger-scale questions. In addition, we are very keen to receive contributions that flag the potential of legacy data, that is, re-analysis /analysis of remains excavated a long time ago using current methodological and technological approaches, but also of skeletal assemblages that were brought to light in the context of rescue excavations. Smaller-scale case studies will also be considered but they will likely be accepted as poster presentations.